As we grow up we are introduced to limitations that would like to suppress the nature of silliness and playing.

Apple Sauce is a book of collected nonsense stories from the world that challenges these grown up ideals. The world is called The Paper Palace and it comes to life through illustrated short stories.

Inhabiting The Paper Palace makes me feel full of awe and wonder everyday. I hope that by engaging with this work you will feel the same.

The Pear Tree

‘When a pear is ripe and ready to be picked, it will give a little shake, hop out from the mother pear and plop itself onto the floor. Pears are funny you see, they grow rather back to front. Let me try to explain... Pear trees grow their fruit from the outside-in. The pear gets smaller and smaller as it gets riper and riper.

Here you can see that the pear inside of Mother pear’s tummy is almost ready. It might help to imagine a bit like the shedding of the skin. Mother pear will nur- ture the young pear and as it gets smaller in size it grows all of its juicy goodness. When it’s ripe it pops right out!’

Full Of Fluff

… ‘What she was yet to realise was that toy wolves could be just as alive as real ones.’


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